条款 & 条件


在您向我们预订活动或培训课程之前,我们需要确保您满意这些条款和条件, 英国的IAB团队. 请仔细阅读. 虽然最后不会有测试, 我们会要求您在确定您的预订之前同意.

在您向我们预订活动或培训课程之前,我们需要确保您满意这些条款和条件, 英国的IAB团队. 请仔细阅读. 虽然最后不会有测试, 我们会要求您在确定您的预订之前同意.

我们说清楚了, 在这些预订术语中,“我们”或“我们的”是指我们, the IAB UK team; and “you” and “your” means you, our customer or potential customer who is booking a place on one of our paid for 事件 or 培训 courses.


我们在网站上宣传dsn彩乐园网址和培训课程. In legal terms this is known as an “invitation to treat”; when you click on ‘book now’ this becomes a contractual offer between us and you. We won’t have a proper contract until your order has been accepted and completed. 达到这一点的过程如下:

1. Select the relevant IAB event or 培训 course, and then proceed to the checkout.

2. 如果您是新客户, you must then create an account with us and log in; if you are an existing customer, 您必须输入您的登录信息.

3. 一旦你登录了, you must confirm your order and your consent to these booking terms and conditions.

4. You will then be asked to either enter your credit or debit card details to pay for your booking. For certain 事件 or 培训 courses you may have the option to choose to pay by BACS. Please note that if you want to pay by BACS your place won’t be secured until full payment has been received. 在预订付费活动或培训课程时,您还需要额外支付25英镑加上增值税管理费.

5. 在你下最后的订单之前, you will have the opportunity to check that it is correct and amend any errors before completing payment.

6. After you have completed the booking process we will send you a confirmation of your booking. If you have selected to pay by BACS you will receive a second email containing a VAT invoice, 这将包括额外的25英镑加上增值税管理费. Please note this invoice will need to be settled before attendance at the IAB event or 培训 course can be confirmed.


Please note that we don’t keep a copy of these online booking terms specifically in relation to your booking, 它们适用于每个人. 我们也可能在网站上更新此版本的在线预订条款,遗憾的是,我们不能保证您同意的版本仍然可以访问. 因此,我们建议您下载, 打印并保留这些在线预订条款的副本作为您的记录. It is also worth noting that the only language in which we provide these online booking terms is English.

IAB活动和培训课程由IAB英国团队提供. 这些产品的价格在我们的网站上有报价, but do not include value added taxes (although this is outlined at the end of booking process). Please note that it is always possible that some of the prices on the website may appear incorrectly. 我们承诺,我们将始终核实价格作为在线预订程序的一部分,以便在您付款时说明正确的价格.

在您的预订最终得到确认之前,您必须全额付款. 付款必须通过 Opayo原名Sage Pay, 在我们的网站上使用信用卡或借记卡,通过BACS或支票. 必须在课程或活动日期前收到银行存款证及支票付款. 如果在活动或课程日期之前未收到以清算资金支付的全部款项,我们可能会取消我们之间的合同. Prices can change 在任何时候, but changes will not affect 合同 that already exist.

我们有正当理由这么做吗, 我们可以更改IAB活动或培训课程的日期和/或地点或取消, 但会就变更事宜给予合理的通知. If we do need to cancel a session where a place has been paid for, we will issue a full refund.

在不影响法定取消权利的情况下,您可以取消您在IAB活动和培训课程的预订, 但只有在这些条件下:

事件 & 培训课程

1. 在IAB活动和培训课程开始前至少12个工作日(在这种情况下,您将有权获得全额退款).

2. 如果您取消参加IAB活动和培训课程,请在IAB活动和培训课程开始前12个或更少的工作日预订, 或者你没有参加IAB的活动和培训课程, 恕不退款.

为了在此基础上取消合同, 您必须通过电子邮件通知我们,我们必须在上述相关日期或之前收到取消通知.

请注意,一旦付款,您的机票将不可转让. This means that if for some reason you cannot attend and are not entitled to a refund, 你不能把钱用在内务部的其他事情上, 包括其他活动, 培训课程或会员资格.

如果您在IAB活动或培训课程开始前不到12天取消预订,请注意, 你将没有资格获得退款.




If fewer than ten participants sign up 48 hours before the course is due to take place, 虚拟培训将被取消. 如果发生这种情况, we will make every effort to move you to a Virtual 培训 course on another date. 

If it is not possible to find a suitable alternative, we will issue you with a refund.


You can cancel your place on an IAB Virtual 培训 course within 24 hours of making your booking. 如果您在预订后24小时或更长时间内取消您的位置, 你将没有资格获得退款.


如果你取消合同并有权获得退款, we will usually refund using the same method originally 使用d by you to pay for your purchase. 我们将尽快处理退款,最多在收到您的有效取消通知之日起30天内.



Nothing in these online booking terms will limit or exclude the liability of a party for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; limit or exclude the liability of a party for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by that party; limit any liability of a party in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or exclude any liability of a party that may not be excluded under applicable law.

如果你是一个消费者, 你拥有的任何法定权利, 哪些是不能排除或限制的, 会不会受到网上预订条款的影响.

本节所列的责任限制和免责, 在线预订条款中的其他条款均受前款的约束,并管辖在线预订条款项下产生的或与在线预订条款主题相关的所有责任, 包括合同中产生的责任, 侵权行为(包括过失)和违反法定义务.

We will not be liable to you in respect of any 损失 arising out of a force majeure event.

我们不会对你方的任何商业损失负责, 例如利润的损失或损害, 收入, 收入, 使用, 生产, 预期储蓄, 业务, 合同, 商业机会或商誉.

如果您是企业客户, 我们不会就任何资料的遗失或损坏向阁下负责, 数据库或软件.

如果您是企业客户, 我方对贵方的任何特殊费用概不负责, 间接的或间接的损失或损害.


我们保证(或以较少的法律术语承诺)根据这些在线预订条款提供的服务将以合理的技巧和谨慎提供. 您保证(或承诺)并向我们声明: 

1. 你在法律上有能力签订有约束力的合同, 你有完全的权力, 同意这些在线预订条款的权利和能力.

2. The information provided in or in connection with your booking request is accurate and complete.

3. You will be able to attend the IAB event or 培训 course at the time and in the place advertised.

4. 您符合参加我们网站上列出的IAB活动和培训课程的先决条件和资格标准.

5. 你至少年满18岁.


不可抗力是指超出我方合理控制范围的任何事件. 如果不可抗力事件导致我方未能或延迟履行本条款和条件下的义务, 这些义务将在不可抗力事件发生期间暂停.


This section applies only if your contract with us under these online booking terms is in the course of a 业务. You hereby indemnify us and undertake to keep us indemnified against all and any liabilities, 损失, 损害赔偿, expenses and costs (including legal expenses and amounts paid in settlement of any demand, (诉讼或索赔)产生, 直接或间接, out of a breach by you of any of your obligations under these online booking terms.


我们将按照我们的条款处理我们收集的与您的订单有关的所有个人信息 隐私政策 如我们网站所述.

Contracts under these online booking terms may only be varied by an instrument in writing signed by both you and us. 我们可能会不时修改这些在线预订条款, but such revisions will not affect the terms of any 合同 which we have entered into with you.

If any provision of these online booking terms is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, 其余条款将继续完全有效, and such invalid or unenforceable provisions or portion thereof will be deemed omitted.

没有放弃这些在线预订条款的任何规定, 无论是通过行为还是其他方式, 在任何一个或多个实例中, 将被视为是, 或者被解释为, a further or continuing waiver of that provision or any other provision of these online booking terms.

你不能分配, 负责, sub-contract or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations arising under these online booking terms. 您这样做的任何尝试将是无效的. 我们可以分配, 负责, sub-contract or otherwise transfer any of our rights or obligations arising under these online booking terms, 在任何时候, 提供, 如果您是一名消费者,该行为不会减少您在这些在线预订条款下获得的保证.

本在线预订条款下的每一份合同都是为了合同双方的利益而制定的,并非旨在使双方受益, 或者被强制执行, 其他任何人. 当事人解除合同的权利, 撤销, 或者同意任何修改, 变异, 此类合同项下的放弃或结算不需要得到非相关合同当事人的同意.

根据“责任限制和免责”部分第一段的规定,这些在线预订条款包含了双方关于在我们网站上预订的活动或培训课程的完整协议和理解, and supersede all previous agreements and understandings between the parties in relation to IAB event and 培训 course booked on our website; and each party acknowledges that no representations not expressly contained in these online booking terms have been made by or on behalf of the other party in relation to the booking of an event or 培训 course on our website.

These online booking terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, 英格兰和威尔士的法院将有[非]专属管辖权来裁决在这些在线预订条款下或与之相关的任何争议.



作为IAB英国会员的一个好处, 所有会员都可以提交文章, 事件, 研究, 播客节目和视频到会员库. Members can submit the content to the IAB UK team who will moderate and aim to get back to members within 10 working days, 要么批准内容, 建议改正或偶尔拒绝服从的.

所有成员生成的内容都必须经过IAB英国团队的批准和修改,IAB英国团队保留随时编辑或取消发布的权利. 有关内容的更多指导和阅读标准 点击这里 或者通过电子邮件与团队成员取得联系 (电子邮件保护).

If content is created in draft but not submitted for review within one month of being created, IAB UK reserves the right to permanently delete the draft and your content will be not be able to be recovered. 类似的, if the content does not meet our guidelines and is not amended following feedback from our team, 该内容将在提交一个月后被删除. 如果您的会员资格失效,您的内容将被永久删除.

IAB UK is not responsible for the handling or delivery of any 事件 listed by members within the 成员库.


我们的注册办事处是67-68长亩, London, WC2E 9JD
如果您需要彩乐园dsn请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
我们的增值税号码是735 4500 47.


支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.